Anonymous Hackers Call For Justice Missouri Teen's Death; Local NAACP Demand FBI Involvement In Mike Brown Case

The hacker activists Anonymous have threatened the authorities of Ferguson, Mo. after police officers shot and killed an unarmed 18-year-old boy.

Authorities are accused of wrongfully killing Michael Brown in a predominantly black suburb, according to the Michigan Chronicle

After Brown was shot to death, local residents took to the streets shouting “kill the police.” Brown’s body was reportedly left in a pool of his blood for hours on the street.

Anonymous is now seeking justice for Brown and asking the community to speak up regarding the claims of police brutality. The hacker group released a video statement about the incident.

“The St. Louis County Sheriff Department even sealed the roads leading to Ferguson in a vain attempt to prevent protesters from reaching the city. His name was Mike Brown, he was [18] - and he would have started college next week. Instead, his family is struggling to come up with funeral costs,” Anonymous stated.

“The entire global collective of Anonymous is outraged at this cold blooded murder of a young teen,” the group added. “Not a week goes by that some young person, usually of minority ethnicity - is slaughtered by murderous police in the USA. For this reason Anonymous will not be satisfied this time, as we have in the past - with simply obtaining justice for this young man and his family.”

Anonymous has threatened to hack into the Ferguson Police Department’s database and release personal information of their officers if protestors are attacked by authorities.

A local NAACP chapter has also called for a federal investigation into Brown’s death, according to the Michigan Chronicle. John Gaskin, a member of the St. Louis County NAACP, believes FBI involvement in the investigation will “to protect the integrity” of the case.

“With the recent events of a young man killed by the police in New York City and with Trayvon Martin and with all the other African-American young men that have been killed by police officers … this is a dire concern to the NAACP, especially our local organization,” Gaskin said.

Read more regarding information regarding Brown’s death here.