Preemies Catch Up with Intellectual Development in Adolescence

Here's good news for parents of premature babies! Preemies catch up on intellectual development by adolescence.

Luke Schneider and colleagues at the University of Adelaide examined 145 youngsters born prematurely. Of them 78 were boys and 67 girls and their gestational age was between 25 and 41 weeks.

Researchers noted that no participants had abnormal brain ultrasounds at birth, any genetic or chromosomal disorder or known syndrome, or any physical or intellectual disability that would affect their ability to follow directions. The team examined the thinking abilities of the teens using standard tests.

The study had extremely preterm birth participants but they had good fetal growth at the time of their birth. So, this sample might not be representative of all preterm children, only the most neurologically normal.

Preemies that show good growth later already have certain factors working in their favor both before and after birth like weight, height and socioeconomic level at the time of birth. The team stated that among these factors early nutrition and physical and mental activity in the home play important roles.

Dr. Deborah Campbell, chief of neonatology at Children's Hospital at Montefiore in New York City, who was not involved in the study, told HealthDay that preemies can experience complications related to thinking and memory. "Fifty percent of preemies will have learning problems," she said.

But, some U.S. researchers stated that the study findings might me extra optimistic as the particular research only examined the healthiest premature babies.

The study was published in the journal The Journal of Pediatrics.

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