Michael Brown Shooting Protests Being Contained To Daylight Hours In Missouri

Protest in Ferguson, Missouri, over the unjustified shooting of 18-year-old Michael Brown are now being contained to daylight hours after three nights of sometimes violent protests, according to Reuters.

Another march and rally were planned for Wednesday afternoon, the latest in a series that have gripped the largely black suburban St. Louis neighborhood since Saturday's officer-involved shooting of unarmed Brown, Reuters reported.

Police have declined to release the name of the officer involved in the incident, citing concerns for his safety, a decision that has been sharply criticized by demonstrators who have asked for more transparency, according to Reuters.

"I don't know that the name will be given out, unless if the prosecuting attorney conducted an investigation if he determines there is a reason to issue a warrant," Tim Zoll, public information officer for the Ferguson Police told Reuters.

Officials have said it could take two weeks for prosecutors to complete their investigation and decide whether to charge the police officer involved, according to Reuters.

National figures from President Barack Obama to civil rights activist Rev. Al Sharpton have called for a peaceful response to the shooting which has highlighted a racial divide in the St. Louis suburb, Reuters reported.

On Wednesday volunteers were sweeping up garbage and broken glass from the site of looting on Sunday evening, according to Reuters. There has not been further looting since that night but police have fired teargas and rubber bullets to break up protests and arrested protesters.

A St. Louis County Police officer shot and critically wounded a 19-year-old male allegedly involved with Tuesday night's protests after the subject pulled a gun and pointed it at the officer, St. Louis County Police Department spokesman Brian Schellman said, Reuters reported.

Schellman said police had recovered a weapon at the scene of the incident and would not release the name of the officer in that shooting unless he or she is charged with a crime after an investigation, which he said was customary practice, according to Reuters.

Schellman said witnesses have said that the man who was shot had participated in the protests, but that the confrontation with police occurred a few blocks up the street, Reuters reported.