ISIS Airstrikes: 62 Percent of Americans Support President Barack Obama's Move Against Militants

The majority of Americans questioned in a recent Fox News poll said they support President Barack Obama's decision to use airstrikes against ISIS militants in Iraq. But 52 percent disapproved of the U.S.' overall attitude toward Iraq, revealed a Fox News poll released Wednesday.

The survey of 1,001 adults was conducted between Sunday and Tuesday. Random registered voters were interviewed over the phone for their opinion.

The results showed 62 percent of those polled approved of the airstrikes on the Islamist State, which began Friday. 23 percent did not back the idea at all.

The airstrikes against ISIS were approved Thursday by the Obama Administration. Along with this, the POTUS also sanctioned humanitarian aid to refugees under siege by the ISIS militants. He said it was necessary to "prevent terrorist forces from advancing on the city of Irbil."

On Monday, the White House said the United States would provide arms to the Kurdish army battling ISIS.

The poll also showed 74 percent felt Obama had not taken a firm stance on Russia. 66 percent in March stated the same viewpoint. Just six percent thought that Obama was tough on Russia, while 10 percent stated "about right" and 11 percent had no opinion, reported Fox News.

According to the survey findings, 77 percent said Russian President Vladimir Putin does not take Obama seriously. 16 percent of respondents were of the opposite view.

In general, 64 percent said that a new cold war with the former social bastion is likely to happen.