Grim Reaper Photographed at Albuquerque Cemetery, Frightens Commuters

This week's supermoon was an ethereal experience but it was even more so for commuters passing a weathered Albuquerque cemetery where witnesses spotted and photographed what appeared to be the legendary grim reaper keeping silent vigil, KRQE News reported.

"It was weird. It was scary. It was unusual," Michelle Gonzales told reporters. "At first I thought it was just an accident but then I noticed people were starting to get out of their vehicles."

Gonzales took a picture of the tall, dark figure shroaded head-to-toe in a black hooded cloak. His face could not be seen at the time nor in any of the images.

"He was just standing there holding something green," Gonzales said. "It was weird."

More pictures of the mysterious figure are making their rounds on Facebook, with one looking like the figure is holding a bouquet of flowers, KRQE News reported.

A picture posted on the Inhabitants of Burque Facebook page has been shared more than 150 times with people commenting on the picture by the hundreds.

"One guy said, seriously, maybe it's the angel of death," Gonzales said. "People were saying some weird stuff, but if you were here you would be thinking what the heck is that too."

The Albuquerque police department has not confirmed they went to the scene, though witnesses say police and firefighters responded. If it was a man – and that's highly likely – he has yet to be identified, and no clues have so far come to light about his identity, what he was doing at the cemetery or why he was dressed as the Angel of Death.

Albuquerque, New Mexico, Cemetery