‘Man of Steel’ Actor Henry Cavill Tells Details Magazine I Was 'Fat As A Boy'

British hunk, Henry Cavill, plays Superman in the upcoming movie "Man of Steel." With such a chiseled physique it's hard to imagine Cavill having any insecurities but the 30-year-old actor opens up about being overweight in the new issue of Details magazine.

As a boy, Cavill revealed that he was always struggling with his weight.

"I was fat... I was Fat Cavill," he told the magazine.

He said he attended boarding school as a boy and was extremely homesick. He would call his mother several times a day asking to come home. His loneliness at school made him an easy target for the boys at school. He overcame this loneliness by delving into acting. He began appearing in school plays and eventually decided he wanted to pursue an acting career. At the age of 17, he landed his first in "The Count of Monte Cristo."

He said the role helped him get into shape and he ended up losing 21 pounds.

"I wasn't Fat Cavill anymore," he told the magazine.

In order for Cavill to play Superman he said he had to gain weight but because of his insecurities did not want to say what number he reached. He began a diet that included 5,000 calories a day and rigorous exercise. Whatever Cavill had to do for the part, obviously worked in his favor. The actor appears to be in tip-top shape in the "Man of Steel" trailer.

"I will say I was a lot bigger as Superman... A lot bigger," he said. "I'm not saying how much. It's modesty about the weight- I've always been worried about my weight- but I also don't want to invite that debate."

Some believe Cavill's acting career will pick up after the release of the Superman movie. The new role has also landed him as a fan-favorite to play Christian Grey in the upcoming movie "50 Shades Of Grey."

"Man of Steel" is set to be released June 14.

"I cannot wait for this movie to come out. The studio just showed me the completed cut. I literally asked to watch it twice in a row. I'm so excited. I just want to show it to the world."

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