'All In The Family' Star Rob Reiner Compares Tea Party To Hamas

Hollywood director and former "All in the Family" star, Rob Reiner, compared the Tea Party to the terrorist group Hamas while speaking to talk-show host Larry King, CNS News reported on Thursday.

During the interview on Politicking with Larry King, Reiner compares Hamas' control in Gaza to the Tea Party's control in the United States Congress and said negotiating between either group is fruitless.

"You can't negotiate with that, you have to say either Hamas goes away and the Palestinian authority takes over all that region and deal with some kind of honest broker here, and create the two-state solution," Reiner said.

When comparing the two groups, Reiner said, "Anytime you're dealing with an extreme group, you cannot negotiate with them, and the way to do it is to eliminate it. With the Tea Party, you have to go through a political thing, you have to wait till 2020 to redistrict, but that is really tough stuff."

During the segment, Reiner said the Tea Party is controlling the country with its stronghold in Congress. The party has a "stranglehold" on Boehner and won't allow him to make a move, which is why the issue is not being addressed in Congress.

The Tea Party sprang up as a grassroots group in 2010 largely in opposition to the Affordable Care Act and in defense of the Constitution. The U.S State Department designated Hamas as a terrorist organization in the late 1990's, CNS News reported.

Hamas, Larry King, Tea Party
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