'Matilda' Star, Mara Wilson, To Lindsay Lohan: 'Get The Hell Out Of Acting'; Former Child Actress Explains Why Celebs Go Crazy

"Matilda" star Mara Wilson shares her insight on the reason why child stars adopt delinquent-like behavior according to Radar Online. Wilson, 25, was once a child star with an adult salary and the world at the palm of her hands. It has been reported that Wilson wrote an essay that was featured on Cracked.com offering reasons why child stars become troubled.

In 7 reasons Child Stars Go Crazy, Wilson blames a lack of parental support, constantly being the center of attention, and being sexualized as some of the reasons why child stars go crazy.

"Adults know that infatuation is fleeting, but kids don't understand this," she wrote. "A year in a kid's life seems like an eternity, and they think anything happening now will happen forever. Years of adulation and money and things quickly become normal, and then, just as they get used to it all, they hit puberty- which is a serious job hazard when your job is being cute."

She adds that it's not unusual for a child to rebel but when in the public eye and given power at an early age, the rebellious acts are more severe and exaggerated.

In recent news Amanda Bynes and Lindsay Lohan have exhibited behaviors that have been connected to their childhood careers. Bynes has been arrested for possession of marijuana, reckless endangerment, and tampering with evidence all while expressing her obsession with plastic surgery and calling all nay-sayers ugly via Twitter. Lohan also had a few run ins with the law for robbery and her addiction to drugs.

"If I was to talk to Lindsay Lohan, I'd encourage her to get the hell out of acting and into something soothing. Take up botany or something," Wilson said. "But she wouldn't be likely to listen to me -- and not only because I'm younger and way less hot than her, it is because she's been acting all her life, she has little education, and in her mind, there's nothing else she could do. She's likely to keep doing it even if she's making herself - and maybe also the people she works with - miserable."