Christy Mack, War Machine Update: Plastic Surgeon Offers Porn Star Free Facial Reconstruction

Adult film star Christy Mack just received a generous offer from plastic surgeon Dr. Harrison H. Lee. According to TMZ, Lee reached out to Mack and offered to perform facial reconstructive surgery free-of-charge.

The porn star is currently in a Las Vegas, hospital after her ex-boyfriend, MMA fighter War Machine, allegedly beat her so severely that she feared for her life. Lee told TMZ that he offered his services for free because he's a trained mixed martial arts fighter and knows that the skill should never be abused.

It's not clear if Mack will accept Lee's offer, but her friends have been using the site to help raise money for Mack's surgeries. So far, $65,000 has been donated, TMZ reports. On Aug. 16, Mack tweeted that she cried when she saw herself with teeth for the first time since the beating.

Allegedly, War Machine (real name Jon Koppenhaver) not only knocked out several of Mack's teeth, but also damaged her liver, cracked her rib and broke several bones in her face.

Christy Mack, War Machine
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