Financial Constraints Make Losing Weight More Difficult

Low-income citizens find it more difficult to lose weight due to financial constraints, a new study finds.

Obesity and weight issues are growing problems in the United States. While many programs and weight-loss strategies have been developed to address this concern, most of them target people who are willing to pay top dollar for gym memberships, diet plans and special meals. But it's usually the people that live below the poverty line who are mostly obese or overweight.

A new study by researchers from Concordia University found that the poor are less likely to try and lose weight by exercising, drinking water, or reducing fat or sweets compared to those in the highest income bracket. Analysts stated poorer people are more likely to pop a weight-loss pill to tackle their health issues, even when free or cheaper alternatives are available to them.

"The message of how to lose weight according to national guidelines may not resonate with those who struggle to pay their bills," said Lisa Kakinami, a researcher with Concordia University's PERFORM Centre and the lead author on the study. "Certain methods can be pursued no matter where you are, but the inclination to reduce fat or sweets, exercise or drink more water was lesser in lower-income households compared to the highest-income households."

For the study, researchers used data gathered from the over 8,800 participants in the National Health and Nutrition Examination Study. They noticed people living below the poverty line were more inclined to opt for weight-loss methods that gave them a feeling of instant results. These methods are usually more harmful and didn't prove beneficial in the long run.

Researchers also revealed younger Americans raised in poorer households were particularly inconsistent with national guidelines, since they were less likely than young Americans from higher income households to exercise, but were more likely to fast or skip meals instead.

This use of quick-fix methods has done little to reduce obesity levels in the country. In fact, individuals who don't have access to more advanced methods of nutrition or fitness management face more drastic consequences on the rebound.

"Perhaps all the studies that have been done about weight are becoming muddled in people's minds," the study's authors said. "Maybe it's time to take a step back and evaluate what people know and understand about obesity and weight-loss."

Findings of this probe were published online in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine.

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