Caring Nurses Quit Job Easily

Caring nurses are more likely to quit their jobs, a new research shows.

A study by the University of Akron shows that nurses who are motivated to help others rather than being taken in by the lifestyle or enjoyment of their profession are more likely to leave their jobs.

On the other hand, nurses who follow their career for reasons other than or in addition to the desire to help others, are less stressed at their jobs. That means they quit easily, have better health and are serious about their commitment to the job.

For the study, the researchers examined more than 700 registered nurses from Northeast Ohio. Researchers noted that about 90 percent of the women were white.

The findings showed that people being served by workers in most occupations are not really bothered by the worker's motivation about choosing that career.

Researchers stated that people do not care much if their mechanic loves cars, they just care if he gets the car fixed. But according to the researchers this noble profession is different

"We expect women to go into these jobs because they love the people that they're caring for, and this is their primary motivator," researchers Janette Dill, an assistant professor of sociology of the University of Akron, said in a press release.

According to Dill, the assumption is variable as men attracted to nursing "might not necessarily feel that their whole self has to be devoted to their patients - that they can value their job for other reasons as well."

The study findings were presented at the 109th Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association.

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