Mercy Medical Center: Couple Sneaks Into Maternity Ward With Fake Babies

A California woman and her husband snuck into a maternity ward using fake, but realistic-looking, baby dolls.

The couple tried sneaking into the ward with fake babies at the Mercy Medical Center, but was caught both times.

The first time the couple appeared to be changing the baby's diaper and taking pictures with it, reports Jezebel. The second time around, the couple came with a diaper bag in tow. The woman, Tonya Whitney Boehs, donned hospital scrubs.

They were caught once again because Boehs' scrubs didn't match those worn by medical professionals in the hospital. The couple also pretended to have a fake appointment, holding an outdated business card.

Boehs was arrested, and claimed she makes the dolls to comfort mothers who have lost their babies. She told The International Business Times she brought the dolls to the hospital to advertise them.

Bob McLaughlin, spokesman for Mercy Medical Center, said the hospital called law enforcement officials after spotting the couple exhibiting odd behavior, reports IBT.

Boehs is still under investigation.

California, Dolls, Crime, Investigation, Hospital
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