Lindsay Lohan News: Actress Reportedly Taking Rehab at Betty Ford Seriously

Lindsay Lohan may be taking her mandated 90 days in rehab seriously, TMZ reports.

The troubled starlet is reportedly attending counseling sessions regularly, on time, and listening to her therapists. She has even made a gesure to unite with her family by giving them each an anchor pendant to sympbolize how they have been her anchor, TMZ reported.

According to TMZ, Betty Ford is helping Lohan work on some of the family issues that may not have been healthiest for a young actress in the spotlight. While they have yet to successfully get all of the members in the same room, Lohan's dad Michael has visited the "Mean Girls" beauty, allegedly helping her purchase the pendants for family members.

Michael Lohan told TMZ he couldn't believe his eyes when he visited Lindsay on Sunday, saying his daughter is a totally new person and is looking healthy. He sais she is "clear-eyed, 100% sober ... a completely different person."

He also told TMZ Lindsay thinks she has beaten her most prominent substance issue, taking Adderall while drinking, and she has vowed never to take Adderall again.

LiLo's counselors are reportedly worried the feud between her parents Michael and Dina is inhibiting the rehabilitation process. Hopefully her efforts to unite the family in her own way will lead to repair of the harsh divisions. Whether or not the counselors' goal of getting everyone in the same room will happen, is another story.

Lindsay was sentenced to 90 days at Betty Ford after failing to report to Morningside Recover Center in Newport Beach, Calif. earlier this month. The actress is now signed in at Rancho Mirage, Calif. where she is staying in the same wing Brooke Mueller is currently getting treatment. While Lohan said at the time that she did not have a problem with addiction, she followed orders to report to Betty Ford and current reports on her efforts are positive.