Dear Kate's Controversial Underwear Ad Features Female Technologists

An underwear company is getting backlash after they released an advertising campaign that features female executives posing in their underwear and holding computers. Motivational quotes are used beside the images of each woman.

Dear Kate just released their new Ada Collection, named after Ada Lovelace, the world's first computer programmer. The brand decided to market the collection with other women in the tech profession, further portraying their views on the empowerment of real women, a tactic frequently used in the company's advertising.

"I think a lot of traditional lingerie photo shoots depict women as simply standing there looking sexy. They're not always in a position of power and control," Julie Sygiel, founder and CEO of Dear Kate, told Time. "In our photo shoots it's important to portray women who are active and ambitious. They're not just standing around waiting for things to happen."

The advertisement was deemed controversial after being released by the media and feminists.

"Posing in your underwear undermines the message that you aim to be taken seriously as a technologist," Elissa Shevinsky, CEO of the startup Glimpse Labs, told Tech Times.

Here are some pictures from the campaign:

Underwear, Advertisement, Executive, Feminism, Controversial