Obama Named In RICO Lawsuit, Plaintiff Accuses Him Of Being A 'Secret Muslim'

Conservative activist and attorney Larry Klayman has sued President Barack Obama, Secretary of State John Kerry, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, and Secretary General of the United Nations Ban Ki-Moon, alleging that they have illegally laundered U.S. taxpayer money to provide material support for the terrorist organization Hamas, Raw Story reported.

Along with other plaintiffs, including a former U.S. Department of Justice prosecutor, the civil lawsuit claims that the defendants are allegedly involved in a criminal conspiracy that falls under the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act, or RICO.

Seeking $1.5 billion in compensatory damages as well as punitive damages, it accuses the global figures of "laundering U.S. dollars" to Hamas, which is officially designated by the U.S. government as a Foreign Terrorist Organization, WND reported. "This money has been foreseeably used to buy rockets and construct tunnels to attack Israel and terrorize and kill American and dual American-Israeli citizens who reside or are located in Israel," Klayman, founder of Judicial Watch and Freedom Watch, said in a statement.

"The nation and the world have increasingly come to see that Obama views himself primarily as a Muslim and acts accordingly in favoring Islamic interests over Judeo-Christian ones, and the complaint lays out Obama's history in documented detail," he said.

"His facilitating and ordering financial and other material aid to Hamas," he continued, "along with his equally anti-Israel Secretaries of State Kerry and Clinton, and the U.N. Secretary General, is just the latest deadly chapter in what amounts to criminal activity which has logically resulted in harm and death to Jews and Christians and threatens the continued existence of Israel. That is why he and the other defendants were sued under RICO and other relevant laws."

As set forth in the complaint, the defendants have conspired to send hundreds of millions of dollars "under the false pretext that this financial support will be used for humanitarian purposes." "However," the complaint states, "as recently reported by Voice of America and the New York Times, the recent killing of the chief Hamas financial officer by the IDF confirmed that these U.S. dollars, only some of which [were] found in his bombed out car, [have] predictably fallen into the hands of Hamas' terrorist wing, which controls and was elected by Gazans to govern over them."

According to the law, Klayman wrote, anyone who "knowingly finances terrorism when fully aware of facts that would inform an alert person of average intelligence that the probable results of their actions will be to provide funding to a terrorist organization" can be considered a co-conspirator in a terrorism-related RICO case.

On Friday, the White House media office declined to respond by telephone to a request from WND for comment, instructing a reporter to send an email. There was no immediately response to the email inquiry.