Oktoberfest May Have No Pretzels This Year, Thanks to a Possible Bakers' Strike

There may be no pretzels at Oktoberfest this year if tbakers go on strike for wage increases.

"If we don't get any further by mid-September, we'll strike in the bakeries. Then there will be a lack of pretzels and bread rolls," Mustafa Oz, deputy regional president of the NGG gastronomy union, told Focus, a German news magazine, according to Telegraph.

Pretzels are the most popular thing about the two-week-long Oktoberfest in Germany - besides beer.

Representatives of Munich's NGG gastronomy union, representing almost 50,000 members in the baker's guild, say if talks of wage increases do not progress by the middle of the month the bakers will strike, reports Telegraph.

This year, Oktoberfest begins on Sept. 20.

Toni Roiderer, owner of Oktoberfest's Hacker beer tent, is keeping her fingers crossed that the bakers hold their strike out until after the festival.

"But, if they do, then we just have to drink more beer," he tells NBC News.

Oktoberfest, Germany, Strike