Ashya King's Parents May Sue Hospital

The parents of Ashya King, the boy with a brain tumor who was removed from the hospital without doctor's permission, may sue Southampton General Hospital.

Parents Brett and Naghmeh King removed their 5-year-old son from the hospital last week where he was being treated for his brain tumor. After learning there was nothing that could be done to save Ashya's life, the family fled with the boy to Spain, where they allegedly believed they could find a treatment for him, according to the Huffington Post.

"It seems pretty obvious to me that the parents and the suffering child should be united and if they've got a plan to help cure their boy's illness then they should be supported in that," said Boris Johnson on his LBC radio show, with hopes to change the public's eye on the issue.

The search warrant to arrest Ashya's parents was only issued to find him for medical reasons, BBC reported. The couple was arrested on Saturday and has not been able to see their dying son since.

"They are going to prepare legal demands against the hospital in Southampton. Legal action will be against the hospital," Juan Isidro Fernandez Diaz, the couple's lawyer in Spain, told HuffPost.

The hospital isn't speaking to the media due to doctor/patient confidentiality.

Brain tumor