ISIS Beheading: American Journalist Steven Sotloff Executed, Terrorist Group Claims

The jihadist group known as ISIS today released a video it claims shows the beheading of another American journalist, Steven Sotloff.

Sotloff was missing in Syria since last August. He was seen for the first time since then in the video released by the same Islamic State group that last month of the beheading of American journalist James Foley, according to The Associated Press.

The video released today shows Sotloff in the same jumpsuit he was wearing in the video of Foley's execution.

Though it hasn't yet officially been confirmed to be a video of Sotfloff's behading, Joe Cleffie of SITE says it is definitely Sotloff in the video.

"We wouldn't send it out without verifying it," Cliffie told The Wire.. "It's him being beheaded."

Sotloff, 31, was a freelancer for Time and Foreign Policy magazines.

Steven Sotloff, Islamic State Group, James Foley, Iraq, Syria, ISIS