ISIS: American Fighter Worked For Delta In Minneapolis Airport

American ISIS fighter Abdirahmaan Muhumed worked on janitorial crews at the Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport and had security clearances for the tarmac before he ventured overseas to join the terrorist organization, according to Fox 9.

Two former employees confirmed working with Muhumed at Delta Global Services, a subsidiary of Delta Airlines. The Metropolitan Airports Commission (MAC) is in charge of granting security privileges, but a representative said they could not comment on what Muhumed's priviledges were, due to an ongoing investigation by the FBI.

It's unclear how long Muhumed worked with Delta, or when he left the Twin Cities to fight for ISIS. He died in the same battle as fellow-Minnesota resident Douglas McCain. Authorities think that as many as 15 men and one woman have left the city to fight alongside the terror group.

At the same time, ISIS is not keeping the propaganda value it gets from foreign fighters a secret. The group posted pictures of its flag in front of the White House and Chicago's Old Republic building, along with the statement: "We are in your state, we are in your cities, we are in your streets."

Investigators are working to figure out if ISIS fighters are working in American airports as well. However, Muhumed didn't have a criminal history in Minnesota that would have barred him from working at the airport. It is unknown exactly what level of security clearance he had because there are different levels.

ISIS, Delta Airlines
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