‘Full House’ Star Lori Loughlin Criticizes Obama’s Lack of Strategy With The Islamic State

Lori Loughlin, former star of the popular 90s TV series "Full House," criticized President Obama on Tuesday for his lack of action regarding the current conflict with the Islamic State.

Emotional responses were abundant after the recent, tragic beheading of U.S. journalist Steven Sotloff, according to Rare. Sotloff is the second American journalist killed by the Islamic State, following James Foley's death last month.

Loughlin took to Twitter to express her concerns when she tweeted directly to the president. She wrote, "@BarackObama With all due respect Mr. President I think it's time to come up with a strategy to deal with #ISIS. Another American #beheaded."

The actress is not the only celebrity to voice her opinion on the ongoing matter. Ron Perlman, famous for his roles in "Hellboy" and "Son's of Anarchy," had a harsher tone to his words when he addressed the Islamic State in his rant.

Perlman wrote, "Make no mistake, #ISIL, you will be crushed. You lose by your very being. Your disregard for every living thing is pathetic. You are nothing."

The Islamic State's murderous actions have not gone unnoticed, and many entertainers, commentators, reporters and U.S. citizens have openly voiced their reactions, according to The Blaze.

Obama referred to the murder of Steven Sotloff as a "horrific act of violence" on Wednesday.

Lori Loughlin, Full House, Obama, Twitter, Islamic State, ISIS