Lego Becomes Number One Toy Maker Internationally

Barbie is no longer perfect. Thanks to "The Lego Movie," her manufacturer lost their title of being the number one toy maker in the world.

During the first half of 2014 Lego surpassed Mattel in both revenue and profit.

Legos advancement to becoming the biggest toy maker in the world can be accredited to their movie-related boxes of bricks, reports Wall Street Journal. "The Lego Movie" was released in February, grossing more than $468 million worldwide.

However, it's too early for Lego to be flaunting their title just yet. Toy makers see their biggest sales spikes in the second half of the year around the holidays.

"It remains to be seen how the line will continue to develop behind the highly anticipated launch of the Lego Movie on DVD in the second half of 2014," John Goodwin, Lego Group CFO, tells Fox.

Barbie, Lego, Sales, Toy, The Lego Movie, Mattel