
Jesse Jackson Requests Amazon Release Workplace Diversity Numbers

Google, Facebook, Twitter, Apple and 10 other tech companies have released demographic data for their workforces over the past few months. Amazon, the world's largest internet company, has not followed suit.

The e-commerce site now faces increased pressure from activist Rev. Jesse Jackson to release its diversity numbers. Jackson called Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos and requested he publicly disclose the company's diversity statistics, according to USA Today. The call followed a letter Jackson sent Bezos in May with the same request.

"I urge you to voluntarily and publicly disclose your EEO-1 report and the racial and gender makeup of your workforce in an expeditious manner," Jackson wrote.

The reverend has warned his Rainbow Push Coalition will respond with an "action" if Amazon doesn't release the information. "By Monday, we want justice and equality to go viral," Jackson told USA Today.

Tech companies primarily employ white or Asian men, according to reports released by other tech giants. Some company leaders have apologized for their poor diversity numbers.

"Let me say up front: As CEO, I'm not satisfied with the numbers on this page," Apple CEO Tim Cook wrote in a letter that accompanied his company's report. "They're not new to us, and we've been working hard for quite some time to improve them. We are making progress, and we're committed to being as innovative in advancing diversity as we are in developing our products."

Jackson commended Cook for his announcement last month and Apple's continued efforts to diversify its workforce. The Rainbow Push Coalition made a public appeal to all Silicon Valley tech companies to release their EEO-1 reports and workforce data in June.

Most major tech companies' staffs are only 2 percent black and 4 percent Hispanic, according to USA Today.

Amazon, Diversity, Jesse jackson
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