Planned Parenthood: Former Sex Ed Website Is Now Luring Teens To Porn Site

A disturbing discovery has revealed that a former Planned Parenthood website which informed students of a sex educational campaign leading to abortion is now reportedly owned by a pornographer, directing teenagers to a website promoting pornography instead, reported.

Discovered by the pro-life group Iowa Right to Life, a more stunning revelation shows that the website, Planned ParenthoodTeenwire, is not only connected to thousands of websites across the country, but its URL is printed on sex-ed literature which are being distributed in schools nationwide.

Iowa school districts, specifically, have been using materials from for their sex education lessons, reported.

"Over the holiday weekend, we became aware of a new danger for Iowa children and teenagers," Iowa Right to Life told LifeNews. "Planned Parenthood's former URL, teenwire (dot) com, is now occupied by a pornographer advertising teen escorts, online sex and other bad content."

The former Planned Parenthood sex education website currently features scantily clad women and directs users to sites such as "100 Free Sex Dating Sites," "Adult Asian Dating" and "Live Sex Cams." This has raised alarm and strong concern among Iowa Right to Life officials, since students throughout the state are still being exposed to Teenwire by virtue of official sex education materials bearing the former website's URL.

Now, the pro-life group is hoping to raise awareness by contacting school administrators and encouraging parents and pro-life advocates to speak up about the issue, according to

"School districts throughout Iowa and beyond that are using any sex ed materials with content from Planned Parenthood," it said. "Earlier today, we sent a message to every school district regarding this urgent matter."

"Now we desperately need your help," the group added. "Whether you have children or grandchildren in an Iowa school or you're a concerned citizen, please contact your local school administrators today. Tell them it is imperative that they get these materials out of the hands of our students! Our children simply cannot be lured into dangerous situations that they will surely encounter by visiting this website."

Planned Parenthood, Porn, Pornography, Sex education, Iowa, Pro life
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