5 High Schoolers Fall Sick After Eating Marijuana-Laced Cookies, Classmate Arrested

Five high school students in California fell sick after eating marijuana-laced cookies sold to them by a 17-year-old classmate Thursday, police said.

Two of the sickened students were taken to a hospital. One of the students at De Anza High School in Richmond, around 17 miles northeast of San Francisco, collapsed in a classroom, while the other made it to the school office before being taken to the hospital, said Richmond Police Department Lieutenant Al Walle, reports Reuters. Others were nauseous after eating the cookies. However, they were not hospitalized.

The student who sold pot-laced cookies was arrested on suspicion of selling drugs on campus and child endangerment. Officials have detained her in juvenile hall. It was not clear from where the girl got the cookies. Police said the school was planning to expel her.

According to Richmond police Capt. Mark Gagan, the girl sold the brownies for $3 each or two for $5. The students who fell sick were aged between ages 14 and 16. Gagan said two recovered consciousness at the hospital and are listed serious but in stable condition, reports the Associated Press.

Earlier this year in April, a 19-year-old exchange student Levy Thamba Pongi jumped to death from a hotel balcony after eating cookies laced with marijuana in Colorado. According to his friends, after eating the cookie, Pongi, a native of Republic of Congo, exhibited hostile behaviour and when they tried to calm him down, he went outside and jumped off the balcony. Investigators ruled the death as accident. He was a student of engineering at Northwest College in Powell, Wyoming.

Marijuana, Pot, Cookies, High school, California
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