Miley Cyrus' Twerking Cancels School Dance

Students at a Vermont high school lost the privilege of having a homecoming dance until they can prove they can dance without twerking.

Principal Sue Maguire and Dean of Students David Beriau of Mount Anthony Union High School cancelled the dance, blaming Miley Cyrus' provocative dancing at the 2013 MTV Video Music Awards for pushing the students past the limit of appropriate dancing at a school function.

The school leaders are so adamant about their decision that they wrote an op-ed for Bennington Banner, a local Vermont news source.

"Unfortunately, our young people are continuously exposed to a culture filled with sexualized images and messages, but this should not and cannot be permitted at our school," the article reads.

Maguire and Beriau are working with students to figure out how to make the twerking stop so they don't have to cancel any more dances this year including the winter ball and prom.

As for now, the students at Mount Anthony Union High School need to work on compromising with their administrators before they take more dances away from them!

This Vermont school is not the first to cancel a dance due to sexual dancing. In 2011 Skaneateles High School in New York cancelled a winter dance due to highly sexualized dancing, reports Washington Post.

Miley cyrus, Twerk, Twerking, Dance, Vermont