Google Breakup: Woman Caught by Street View Camera After Being Kicked Out of Her House

Breakups can be difficult. Especially when your moment of sorrow is captured for millions of people to see.

Unfortunately, that seems to be exactly what happened to a young woman who was caught by a Google Street view driver. The photo picked up viral steam when a Reddit user ipmark04 posted it with the caption "the glorious moment when my buddy kicks his ex-gf out of his house.

He would later make a post explaining that "My buddy no longer lives in the same town as me but I became aware of this recently by his brother who is currently my coworker."

In the photo a woman stands by her car carrying a Victoria's Secret bag. The trunk of her car is open and several of her belongings are scattered along the curb.

If the Redditor's post is correct, then it would appear that this is the latest life blunder that the Google Street View Cameras have picked up since it began mapping streets at eye level in 2007. A man in Germany was photographed apparently naked in the trunk of a car and a man in Scotland wearing a horse-head mask.

The girl in the latest Google Streetview misadventure is still unknown, however the person driving the car was willing to share that the photo was taken somewhere in Southern California. He or she wants to protect the identity of the girl and the boyfriend, assuming that this story is completely true.

Despite the humor of such a major and negative life event being immortalized via a chance passing of a Google Street View camera, many have speculated that ipmark04's post might not be legitimate. People have taken notice of the floor mats in the photo being on the ground and the beach chairs on the lawn. This suggests to some that they are merely looking at an innocuous photo of a woman cleaning out her car after a trip to the beach.

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