
Toronto Celebrates ‘Bill Murray Day’ At Film Festival

Bill Murray doesn't attend many planned events, but he decided to make an exception for the Toronto International Film Festival, which honored the actor by declaring Sept. 5, "Bill Murray Day."

Murray spent much of the day in his hotel room, avoiding the humid conditions outside, according to The Hollywood Reporter. The day also coincided with the world premiere of the funnyman's new movie "St. Vincent," co-starring Melissa McCarthy and Naomi Watts.

"I think seven different people came up to me and said, 'It's real humid and it's going to get even more humid,'" Murray told a Q&A audience after a screening of his 1984 film "Ghostbusters." The festival also screened "Stripes" and "Groundhog Day."

The Toronto festival announced late Thursday that Murray would make an appearance at the Q&A session with Ivan Reitman and Mitch Glazer. Reitman directed the actor in "Meatballs," "Stripes" and both "Ghostbusters" films (he will also serve as a producer on the upcoming "Ghostbusters" reboot directed by Paul Feig). Glazer wrote the script for "Scrooged," Murray's comedic spin on Charles Dickens' "A Christmas Carol."

Reitman and his star both agreed "Ghostbusters" represented a seminal moment in their careers.

"I knew then that I was going to be rich and famous ... and be able to wear red clothes and not give a damn," Murray told the audience. "All you people in red, you know what I'm speaking about."

Always unpredictable, Murray showed up dressed in red pants, a gray trapper hat and blue plaid shirt. He also stood in the rain, getting completely soaked, while he greeted fans lined up outside the Princess of Wales theater for the "St. Vincent" premiere.

The festival encouraged fans to dress as their favorite characters from Murray's films. One woman brought her baby dressed as the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man from "Ghostbusters." Another group of co-workers came dressed as the ghost removal team, wearing jumpsuits and each strapped with a proton pack, according to Reuters.

Bill Murray, Toronto International Film Festival, St. Vincent, Ghostbusters, Princess of Wales
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