New Mac and iOS 7 Rumors: New Systems Likely The Focus of Apple's WWDC 2013 Conference

There are a lot of rumors circulating about what Apple Inc. will unveil at its June 10 through 14 World Wide Developer's Conference. Jim Dalrymple of The Loop is now adding to that list of rumors with his expert advice.

Many believed the World Wide Developer's Conference would be the place where Apple would finally unveil the long awaited iPhone 5S and iPhone 6. However, Dalrymple tells insiders to lower those expectations.

"The important thing to remember about WWDC is that it is a developer conference. It's not a place where Apple is going to show off the newest iPhone or iPad," he writes. "These are Apple's flagship products and they demand separate events. Entire industries watch these products because they shape what will happen in the mobile space. They are that important."

An important part of what Apple does, but still not important enough to merit its own event, is the Mac. This leaves iOS 7 and OS X as the likely big ticket items for the keynote address at the Conference.

After all, operating systems are why people go to these conferences. Although the Mac is important to the Apple brand, it is unlikely that they will be unveiling any new hardware. However, some new software updates are incredibly likely.

Apple's iOS 7 is highly anticipated as it will change the way that the iPhone, iPad and iPod look. However, Dalrymple thinks people should lower their expectations about iOS 7 as well. It is not expected to be revolutionary but rather a modernization.

He predicted that the OS X 10.9, the next major update expected for Apple's Mac operating system, will be the most interesting part of the World Wide Developer's Conference. Many apple insiders believe that the new OS X will offer a lot of tighter integration with services such as the iCloud.

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