ISIS: Most Americans Fear Terrorists Are Living in U.S., Poll Says

Most Americans fear that ISIS has terrorists living in the U.S., according to a recent poll.

About 70 percent of Americans surveyed in a CNN poll say they believe the Islamic State groups have the resources to attack the U.S. An even greater portion of Americans - 76 percent - support additional airstrikes against ISIS.

However, Americans still want President Barack Obama to seek approval from Congress before making a final decision as to whether or not the U.S. should take action in the Islamic State.

Obama is meeting with congressional leaders today to discuss his plans before he speaks nationally about the topic tomorrow.

The president feels America needs to attack ISIS, but so far, he is only getting approval for airstrikes.

Critics are questioning why President Obama feels that another U.S. invasion is necessary, as he always advertised his ideas to end the current war in Iraq, The New Yorker reported.

"Americans are significantly less reluctant to use military force than they were a year ago, and the number who say that terrorism is the country's most important problem has quadrupled, making it second only to the economy on the list of top problems in the public's mind," said CNN Polling Director Keating Holland.

ISIS, America, President Barack Obama, Airstrike, War
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