Taylor Swift Disses Harry Styles: One Direction Singer Surprised 'Shake It Off' Songstress Is Still Talking About Their Failed Relationship?

Taylor Swift’s ex-boyfriend Harry Styles is reportedly surprised the singer is still stuck on their relationship more than a year and a half since their breakup.

Hollywood Life reports inside sources claim the One Direction band member didn’t realize how hurt she was until she admitted to writing a song about their relationship. However, he’s fine with Swift talking about it if it makes her feel better.

“Harry is actually surprised he’s still a topic of conversation for Taylor. He never realized how much he hurt her, and if singing about her heartbreak makes her feel better, than that’s cool. But he thinks it’s more of a gimmick to sell records,” the source said.

During an interview with Rolling Stone, Swift claimed she’s remained friends with Styles, but implied three songs on her album are about their failed relationship. One of the tracks is called “Style” is about a boy who falls for a girl in a tight skirt, which is presumably about Styles falling for ex-girlfriend Kendall Jenner.

"We should have just called it 'I'm Not Even Sorry,’” Swift told Rolling Stone.

Styles isn’t the only person to get a dissed by Swift. The songstress also went after another female artist she claimed is her enemy, who she is actively trying to avoid at events. Swift claimed it wasn’t until recently that she figured out the unnamed musician wasn’t a friend.

"Sometimes the lines in a song are lines you wish you could text message somebody in real life," Swift said. "I would just be constantly writing all these zingers - like, 'Burn. That would really get her.' And I know people are going to obsess over who it's about, because they think they have all my relationships mapped out.

“But there's a reason there are not any overt call-outs in that song. My intent was not to create some gossip-fest. I wanted people to apply it to a situation where they felt betrayed in their own lives."