Porn App Being Designed for Google Glass (Video)

With the advent of Google's latest wearable technology application "The Google Glass" many application developers were clamoring to find a way to be usable for the new product. It appears that one application company has already found a home with the Google Glass.

MiKandi, which markets itself as "the world's first and largest adult app store," announced on its blog that it was in the process of creating the first adult entertainment application for Google's new product.

The application is expected to come out soon and be heavily based around the concept of POV pornography. However, determined not to be just another way to watch porn on the Internet, MiKandi not only allow users to watch porn on their Google Glass app but will also let them create their own point of view videos using the device's recording abilities. They can then share them with the app's community or with friends and partners.

"With close to 8000 adult apps in the market today, we've seen the future of adult entertainment and it's awesome. It's the live and personalized experiences that are driving revenue and innovation today. Some adult studios may be waiting on the sidelines to see how popular these get, but this is the kind of technology that gets us extra excited in the morning," MiKandi wrote on its blog. "Watching porn or movies in general on Google Glasses is not quite there yet (and believe me, that's the first thing we tried), but we love the idea of a very natural, wearable smart device that can create intimate, two-way adult experiences remotely."

The company says it's excited to be one of the first to bring the adult industry to Google Glass. Early on there was speculation that Google might censor such applications, leading to Google being in a position to pick and choose what content is available on its web app and, thus, essentially censor the Internet. It would seem that those worries were unfounded as MiKandi gears up to release its app. Below is a promotional video for MiKandi's application.