Facebook Removes Page Showing How To Use A Female Condom

A Facebook page run through the University of Chicago was taken down after the organizer posted a video about how to use a female condom, Jezebel reported on Friday.

Tea Time and Sex Chats, as the page is called, posted the video on Aug. 27, with accompanying text that said: "Silly animation and peppy acoustic music: Obvs the cutest way to learn about an awesome contraceptive choice!"

The group got a message from Facebook shortly after posting the video, informing them of a violation of community standards. Tea Time and Sex Chats' admins quickly removed the video, but that didn't stop Facebook from banning the whole page. According to the admins, Facebook said the site was deleted due to pornography and nudity. But the only nudity the admins could find in the page's two year history was from the video, which they had removed.

"I was given the option to appeal, which was a single button without any way for me ask questions or make a comment," said one of the admins.

Facebook relies on community policing and only takes action when enough people click the "report" button on posts, photos and videos.

Tea Time and Sex Chats is currently trying to appeal the decision, as soon as they can navigate their way through what they say is Facebook's arduous appeals process.

Sex education, University of Chicago, Facebook
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