Missing Girl Under Bed: Richmond, Calif. Girl Thought to be Kidnapped Was Just Hiding

A 4-year-old Richmond, Calif. girl went missing Friday night, but was found in a most peculiar and unexpected place-under the bed in family's home.

The young girl, named Amia Renee, was reported by Richmond police as being alive and well, hiding under the bed in the same exact house where she had allegedly disappeared in the first place, the San Francisco Gate reported.

Renee was reported missing Friday night shortly after 5 p.m., while she traveled to visit her relatives in a nearby area.

The family, along with members of the community, searched for the 4-year-old for just a few hours before the child was found underneath the bed at her relative's house.

"She was surrounded by many different items and unfortunately had gone undetected," one police officer, Lt. Bisa French, said.

Even police canines missed the girl underneath the bed, who might as well have been playing a game of hide-and-go-seek, officers said.

They found her beneath the bed frame at around midnight, Saturday, French said.

French also mentioned that the young girl was in fine condition, barely shaken up from the event.

NBC Bay Area reported that a handful of the child's family members were out looking for Renee when they got word that she had been found in the household, unharmed.

Renee's gradmother told KNTV San Francisco that the young girl likes to hide.

Her mother apologized for any unseen and extraneous worry that the disappearance caused neighbors, family and the community.

Richmond is an area known for its rampant and often brutal gang violence, crime and drug use. It is little wonder, then, that search parties sprang into action so quickly, automatically assuming the worst.

Relieved that the child was okay, the family said they would try to move on from this incident.