Ramen noodles are becoming such a big thing that a special spork was designed just for the consumption of the beloved instant noodle.
Eating ramen noodles can be difficult. If you use a fork you can easily twirl the noodles to eat, but you miss out on the broth that is the whole purpose of eating soup. At the same time, if you choose a spoon it's easier to sip the broth, but it's nearly impossible to get the noodles from the cup to your mouth.
The only solution is this newly designed spork.
The traditional spork, a spoon with short fork-like prongs at the tip, is still not ideal for Ramen noodles because the broth can slip right out through the prongs.
However, the new spork, called the Ramen Spoon and Fork, is a full spoon that cradles the broth and vegetables with no spillage with four fork prongs to twirl the noodles.
The new utensil was originally designed by Masami Takahashi to be used at Sugakiya, a popular chain noodle restaurant in Japan, according to Uncommon Goods.
The special ramen spork hit it off when the idea surfaced in America, and of course consumers turned to Twitter to talk about the new product:
These are the times when I lose faith in humanity. https://t.co/FAv4yuR7Pm
— Amanda M. Faison (@AmandaMFaison) September 16, 2014
I Must Have!!! Behold: The Ramen Spoon https://t.co/OCFjC99Bsh via @HuffPostHome — Time out For Mom (@RoryBore) September 16, 2014
Wanna spork? The Ramen Spoon is a thing!: 'and life is complete.' https://t.co/5e80jWLkSp
— Tamo (@TamoTweets) September 16, 2014
My kind of technology @PRNfood - a spork for noodles ;) ^mj Behold: The Ramen Spoon https://t.co/4Nak6oUGVq via @HuffPostTaste — PR Newswire Tech (@PRNTech) September 16, 2014
May have to get one of these! Spoon Crafted Specifically For Ramen Makes Slurping Noodles A Breeze https://t.co/CRifQpbiWL via @HuffPostTaste
— Judy Freedman (@judiboomergirl) September 16, 2014