Goat Simulator Game Available on Android and iOS Devices

Simulator game "Goat Simulator" is now available for Android and iOS users who want to use a goat to cause havoc across town.

Players are thrown into an open world where they can use a goat to headbutt anything in sight and fly through the air, according to CNET. The creators left several bugs and glitches unfixed on purpose to make the game that much more funny and crazy.

"Goat Simulator" was created by Swedish developers Coffee Stain Studios in a game jam, in which a game is built in less than a month. While the game was developed initially as a joke, it gained positive attention after being demonstrated on YouTube and was eventually released on April 1st on Valve's online game store Steam.

The goat avatar is designed to be indestructible, have the ability to withstand any explosion or hit from a truck with no damage, PC Magazine reported. The animal also has a sticky tongue for carrying things around.

The game has no real objective, instead letting players jump around and cause as much destruction and chaos as they want. A town is provided as a sandbox for players to headbutt people, blow up cars and destroy trains in. Completing achievements will provide rewards in the form of other goat variants, such as spider-goat, tall goat and jetpack goat.

Coffee Stain Studios has already made the game available for Windows, Linux and Mac OS computers, also planning to release an Xbox version soon, CNET reported.

Goat Simulator was originally supposed to be released on Sept. 18th, but Coffee Stain Studios decided to release the mobile version of the game a day early, The Verge reported.

"When you see a big button that says 'publish' you HAVE to fucking click it," PR Manager Armin Ibrisagic wrote in a Twitter post.

Those looking to cause mayhem with a goat can buy Goat Simulator for $4.99.

Goat, Video Games, Android, Ios, Steam