Islamic State wants no essential learning to take place in their schools, except the strict teachings of Islam.

The terrorist organization has posted its new educational demands on billboards and street poles located in its Syrian-controlled territories, according to CNN. "This is an obligatory announcement, and all violators will be punished," the letter states.

The IS (also known as ISIS or ISIL) has banned the teachings of math and social studies, especially in regards to democracy and elections. Classrooms and students cannot have books that reference evolution, and teachers must say the laws of physics and chemistry "are due to Allah's rules and laws."

The Sunni extremist group also forbids music and sports.

Educators cannot teach nationalistic and ethnic ideology, but instead must instruct students on "belonging to Islam... and to denounce infidelity and infidels," according to CNN. Any use of the phrase "Syrian Arab Republic," the official name of Syria, must also be changed to "Islamic State."

The Islamic State has claimed large swaths of land in Syria and northern Iraq in hopes to establish its caliphate. More than 20 countries met to discuss how to defeat the expanding militant force at an international conference in Paris on Sept. 15.

United States President Barack Obama has pledged to “degrade and ultimately destroy” these terrorists.