Texas Executes Woman who Starved and Tortured 9-Year-Old Boy to Death

Texas executed a woman convicted of starving and torturing a 9-year-old boy to death on Wednesday.

Lisa Ann Coleman's last day appeal for the 2004 death was rejected by the U.S. Supreme Court earlier in the day. The Texas Department of Criminal officials administered a lethal dose of pentobarbital to her and 12 minutes later she was pronounced dead at 6:24 p.m. CDT.

Uttering her last words, Coleman told her friends and family, "I'm all right. Tell them I finished strong. ... God is good. Love you all."

Coleman, 38, became the 15th woman in the U.S. to be executed after the death penalty was reinstated. She is the ninth female inmate in Texas to be executed so far and second woman in the state this year.

She was found guilty of starving her girlfriend's son Davontae Williams and torturing him to death. In July 2004, police found his emaciated body at a North Texas apartment where she stayed with the boy's mother. According to the investigators, the boy weighed about half the weight of a normal 9-year-old and had more than 250 injuries, including burns and ligature marks, reports NBC News.

The autopsy results showed that Williams died of malnutrition and pneumonia and weighed just 35 pounds. He was beaten with a golf club and tied with an extension cord. Medical examination showed he was treated with over-the-counter medications, ointments, creams and bandages, stated the court records

According to the investigators, evidence showed that Williams was fed chicken noodle soup and Pedialyte before he died. However, a doctor said that the food he received was "inadequate ... too late, and possibly too much," court records stated, reports Reuters.

Texas, Execution, Lethal injection, Starved, Tortured, Boy
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