Blake Shelton Impersonates Pizza Hut Employee?

So, you walk into a California Pizza Hut and meet the guy behind the counter, Stephen. Only, Stephen looks a whole lot like Blake Shelton. You know, country superstar Blake Shelton. Popular judge of "The Voice" Blake Shelton. Husband of fellow country star Miranda Lambert, Blake Shelton.

But the guy calling himself Stephen points at his Stephen nametag and insists he is indeed new Pizza Hut employee Stephen and not this Blake Shelton guy.

What's behind this undercover operation? What's this ruse all about?

The fun encounter featuring skeptical customers and a jovial Shelton is all part of a video promotion about Shelton being picked to help the Pizza Hut chain launch its new line of BBQ pizzas. Pizza Hut even named one of its BBQ recipes, Blake's Smokehouse BBQ, in Blake's honor, based on the star's favorite ingredients.

In the end, Shelton's attempt to fool the pizza chain's customers was more spoof than undercover spy. But the customers had a good time and many even grabbed hugs and took pictures with Shelton.

Or were they posing with Stephen?

California, Pizza Hut, Blake Shelton
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