Deadpool Film Finally Greenlit by Fox

After some noteworthy comments by Ryan Reynolds that were published online by the Niagara Falls Review, Fox Studios has now greenlit a Deadpool feature film, and scheduled it's release for February 12th 2016, according to Coincidence? Somehow, I think not...

The nebulous project gained traction in recent months due to a "leak" of test footage onto the internet showing the red-and-black clad mercenary at his finest. Reynolds played Wade Wilson, the man behind Deadpool's mask, in the 2009 film "X-Men Origins: Wolverine," and also voiced the 3-D animated version of Deadpool shown in the test footage.

Deadpool is a Marvel comics character created by artist Rob Liefeld and writer Fabian Nicieza in 1991. He is a mutant with a greatly accelerated healing factor. On top of that, he is an expert martial artist, and is well-known for his over-the-top antics and his motormouth.

Reynolds' quote to the Review in regard to the status of the film was: "The movie has been in a state of limbo for a while. There was such an overpowering reaction to the footage, you sort of feel like, 'Oh, so we weren't crazy for our reasons for loving this character, for loving this role.' It's interesting to see the power of the Internet. It's awe-inspiring, actually. And it's neat that Twitter and Facebook and Instagram can move mountains when used in the right way."

With this release date now set in stone, it wouldn't be out of line to expect the film begin shooting in the early part of 2015, and that some preliminary footage will be shown at next year's San Diego Comic Con. will be sure to have more as it develops.

Deadpool, Marvel, Ryan Reynolds, 20th Century Fox, Fox
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