Dog Chemically Branded With F-Word Gets Plastic Surgery

Chemicals were used to brand an abandoned pit bull with the "f-word" on its side. The dog had plastic surgery Thursday at a Kentucky animal hospital for a second chance at a happy life.

"I always try and come up with a reason how it was just ignorance or stupidity, accidental...but this was particularly potent because that's not an accident," Liz Ubelhor, Lexington Humane Society veterinarian, who performed the plastic surgery on the dog they named Felicity, tells The Associated Press. "You don't splash a toxic material on a dog and that word is what comes up. That's what made it so sad."

Felicity was found tied to a fence in Lexington near the end of August, Kentucky with a scar spelling out the word f*** on her side. She was brought to Lexington Humane Society after she was found near the end of August.

"We think doing plastic surgery on her will make her a little more adoptable and we don't want people to make judgments on her based on her appearance," Ashley Hammond, development manager at Lexington Humane Society, tells WKYT.

The society didn't have any money left in the fund to pay for the surgery, but donations and adoption requests quickly piled in once the local media picked up the story.

Enough money was raised for Felicity that the society is offering a $3,500 reward to turn in the animal abuser.

Animal cruelty, Animal abuse, Chemicals, Pitbull, Dog, Plastic Surgery, Kentucky
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