Ebola Virus Outbreak 2014: Senegal And Nigeria Report Ebola 'Mostly Contained'

The World Health Organization announced that Senegal and Nigeria have mostly contained the Ebola virus on Monday, though the disease is still spreading elsewhere in West Africa and has now killed more than 2,811 people in the region, according to Reuters.

The two countries implemented strict measures to isolate those infected with the virus, and track down further possible cases, Reuters reported. Senegal and Nigeria were the most recent of five nations to record cases of Ebola.

Nigeria had 20 cases were recorded and eight people died, according to Reuters. There have been no deaths from the one confirmed case in Senegal.

Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone have failed to impose strict measures, allowing the disease to spread rapidly in cities and rural communities, according to Reuters.

During a three-day national lockdown that ended late on Sunday, Sierra Leone said it had registered 130 new cases of Ebola, Reuters reported.

"On the whole, the outbreaks in Senegal and Nigeria are pretty much contained," a WHO statement said, according to Reuters.

The United Nations agency said the outbreak remains a "public health emergency of international concern," though the international response has failed to match the spread of a disease, Reuters reported.

Millions of dollars have been pledged internationally in aid, and the United States government is sending 3,000 soldiers to the region to build an extra 17 treatment centres and train thousands of local medics, according to Reuters.

So far, 60 U.S. military personnel have arrived in the region, and another 30-40 are scheduled to arrive in the next few days, Reuters reported.

The Ebola virus was first identified in the forests of southeastern Guinea in March and then spread into Liberia and Sierra Leone, according to Reuters.

Senegal, Nigeria, Ebola
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