U.S. Airstrikes on Islamic State in Syria Might Be Illegal

This morning the United States and its Arab allies struck Islamic State fighters in Syria from the air.

Reports before the airstrikes said the airstrikes could be illegal without the consent of Syrian President Bashar Assad's government or a UN Security Council resolution.

There was no consent before the U.S.-led attacks on the Islamic State this morning.

Just hours after the attack, The Associated Press said in a tweet:

The U.S. and its Arab allies are pursuing a campaign in the Middle East to stop the terrorism of ISIS.

President Barack Obama issued a brief three-minute statement just before leaving for the United Nations climate meeting, saying this is more than just an American fight.

"We will do what is necessary to take this attack to this terrorist threat," Obama said. "The strength of this coalition makes it clear to the world that this is not America's fight alone."

Obama, President Obama, ISIS, Airstrikes, Middle East, Arab, Islamic State, Syria, Illegal
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