ISIS: Islamic State Great Place To Raise Family, Turkish Mother Says

Despite the terrorist rule and the American bombs being dropped in the area, some Turks feel the Islamic State is the ideal place to raise a family.

Asiya Ummi Abdullah, a 24-year-old Muslim convert who left Turkey to live in the Islamic State, explained to The Associated Press that she would prefer to have her son grow up under the Islamic legal code, Shariah, so his spiritual life will be secure.

She disappeared from Turkey last month with her 3-year-old son and was reported missing by her ex-husband.

Abdullah says Turkey was too full of sex, drugs and alcohol and her move to the Islamic State will protect her from that.

In the Islamic State, "he will know God and live under His rules," Abdullah tells AP.

The Islamic State seems appealing to those in nearby countries because they advertise themselves as a family-friendly place.

One promotional video about family life in the Islamic State shows a montage of Muslim fighters from around the world holding their children in Raqqa against the backdrop of an amusement park, reports AP. One man from the video holds an infant who has a toy machine gun strapped to its back.

Islamic State, ISIS, Turkey, Family, Muslim