
iPhone 6 Big Screen Issue Resolved With Japan's Stylus Thumb (VIDEO)

Japan had a fix for the issue of big-screened smartphones being hard to hold in one hand even before the iPhone 6 came out.

A stylus that looks like a giant fake thumb manufactured in China and released in Japan in May is the perfect fix for reaching your little finger across your big smartphone screen to scroll through whatever you are looking at with one hand, reports Wall Street Journal.

"This wasn't specifically designed for the new iPhone but for overall smartphones because screen sizes are getting larger and difficult to handle," a spokesman at the company tells WSJ.

Gadget maker Thanko's silicon thumb slips on the top of your actual thumb adds an extra 1.5-centimeters to the wearer's finger, WSJ reports.

The nifty device is called Yubi Nobiiru and costs $13.63.

The original prototype looked like a zombie finger, but the company says they changed it to flesh color so it looks natural.

Here's a video demonstration of the silicon stylus thumb:

IPhone 6, Apple iPhone 6, Japan
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