Philippines Rape T-Shirt: Consumers Still Outraged On Twitter After Company's Apology (TWEETS)

A graphic tee from a Philippines store making light of rape was discontinued after serious backlash the store received on social media.

The faded red tee in SM Supermalls read, "it's not rape, it's a snuggle with a struggle."

An image of the t-shirt went viral after writer Karen Kunawicz posted it with a message on her Facebook page reading:

"Really SM Department Store? In the boy's section? 'It's Not Rape, It's A Snuggle With A Struggle?' SM--the same mall that has the daily angelus and refused to show Tim Burton's "Sweeney Todd" in the cinemas? Boys listen to Tita Karen--if a girl says NO and pushes you away, just err on the side of caution, she likely means NO. And go watch "Sweeney Todd." WTF, SM."

Since she posted it two days ago the post got over 4,000 shares and over 1,600 likes.

Almost immediately, SM removed the shirt from stores and posted this statement on Twitter:

However, people were still expressing anger at the situation through tweets, saying the apology wasn't enough:

Phillippines, Social media, Twitter