
Steelers QB Ben Roethlisberger Has An Unusual Mini-Me

A calf living on a Pennsylvania dairy farm was named Baby Ben, after Steelers quarterback c, because it has a giant seven on its head.

Baby Ben was born on Saturday at Vale Wood Farms in Loretto, Pennsylvania, reports The Associated Press. The pattern of the white and black fur on his face makes the shape of the number seven, so of course it only seemed right to name him after the Pitsburgh Steelers quarterback - nicknamed Big Ben - who wears number seven.

"Baby Ben is awfully cute, so hopefully Big Ben won't mind sharing his namesake,'' Carissa Itle-Westrick, director of the farm where Baby Ben was born, tells AP.

Roethlisberger did not comment yet on his mini-me.

Baby Ben will be living on the farm among many other male cows. The dairy farm has mostly male cows, with a few females for the purposes of reproduction. The family tells Post-Gazette the family does not use the cows for meat - just dairy.

This isn't the first time the family saw an animal with a familiar marking, Itle-Westrick tells Post-Gazette. She recalls animals belonging to relatives that appeared to have images in the animals fur such as a state, a continent, and even a Nike swoosh.

Ben Roethlisberger, Pittsburgh steelers, Calf, Farm, Pennsylvania
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