Oktoberfest: Man Raped While Urinating

While a British man attending Oktoberfest in Germany was urinating in the bushes another man raped him Saturday night.

The police report says the 24-year-old victim from Leeds was urinating when a stranger came up to him who "made it clear he wanted to have sex with him."

The stranger didn't accept being turned down and pulled the victim's head back, dragging him to the ground. A second man held him down so the attacker could rape him before leaving the scene, reports The Independent.

One of the main attractions at the 16-day festival is drinking pure German beer and despite the 1,500 toilets at the event it's often still not enough for drinkers who need to relieve themselves instantaneously.

Many festivalgoers venture out to the outskirts of the Theresienwiese fields to go to the bathroom instead. This is where the victim got raped.

There is often a lot of crime at Oktoberfest, but, so far, this year's event is actually trending to have less crime than the norm, police say, reports The Independent.

Investigators are talking to witnesses in efforts to find the man's attackers.

Oktoberfest, Germany, Festival, Beer, Crime