Lynette Hales wasn't expecting her twin baby boys for another seven weeks, but as she drove on a stretch of highway 100 miles from Salt Lake City, the babies decided they were ready, reported KRISTV.
Hales, 39, had experienced some minor contractions in her hotel room earlier that morning. She was in the small Nevada gambling town of Wendover to blow off some steam with friends before she gave birth.
Since her due-date was so far away, Hales decided to continue on with her plan. Her husband hadn't come along for the trip but her friend Jim Gerber was in the car as they drove down the desolate I-80 surrounded by salt flats.
When Hales and Gerber realized what was happening they tried to find out if there was a hospital nearby, there were not. The two decided to drive two hours back to Salt Lake City.
The twins weren't willing to wait that long, the friends pulled over near a statue titled "The Tree of Life" and prepared for the birth.
The first baby boy, Jeffrey Jr., was born before any police responders made it to them. The baby was a grayish-blue color and wasn't breathing.
"I was so scared that he wasn't going to make it and that my choice of being out there was going to cause my babies not to live," Hales said at a press conference.
Hales and her friend were able to keep the baby alive using CPR.
"He would look up at me," she said. "I'm like, 'I'm not going to let you go.'"
Finally, after speeding for 30 miles, Utah State Trooper Nathan Powell arrived on the scene.
The baby was still purple, so Powell used a suction tool to clear his windpipes, and gave him oxygen. As soon as little Jeffrey Jr. started breathing on his own Hales began to go into labor with the second twin.
Hales had more help this time and the baby, Anthony James, was born breathing normally.
"It gave out a big squawk," Powell said. "It was breathing much easier than the first one."
Just as they cut the umbilical cord and ambulance arrived, shortly after a helicopter delivered a team of high-risk pregnancy specialists.
The babies were born prematurely and weigh only three pounds each, they will most likely remain in intensive care until at least their due-date.
When Hales got to the hospital her husband and four children that they have from previous relationships joined her and the newborns.
"They are beautiful," Jeff Hales said.