
Polish Veterinary Student Under Fire For Stitching 'I Love You' Into Dog's Skin

A Polish veterinary student is under investigation for allegedly stitching the words "I Love You" into the skin of a dog he operated on to please his girlfriend, the Croatian Times reported.

The unidentified lovesick student at northeastern Poland's University of Warmia and Mazury had just finished surgery on the pooch when he decided to stich the message into its stomach, take a photograph and uploaded it to his girlfriend's Facebook page.

But what started as an attempt to woo his sweetheart blew up in the fourth-year's face when the online world attacked him for being "unethical" and "immoral." University officials caught wind of the viral doggy stiches and launched an investigation.

"Saying you love someone is not a bad thing, but the fact is that this was stitched into the stomach of an animal does seem immoral and unethical behavior from a student of veterinary science," said Andrzej Koncicki, the university's head of veterinary studies who opened the investigation.

Veterinary students are allowed to treat animals for free as part of a service offered by the university. But they must be supervised by a certified veterinarian, according to the newspaper. Administrators are wondering why whoever was supposed to be watching the student didn't stop him.

"We need to find out more about what happened here," Koncicki said.

As for the girlfriend, who is a member of the student council, she apparently didn't find her boyfriend's K-9 love-gram offensive.

"What's so unethical about it?" the girlfriend said according to the newspaper. "He's learnt to sew in order to help and is just showing his skill."

Polish, Student, Dog
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