
Dexter Copycat Killing: Teen Sentenced 25 Years for Murdering Girlfriend

Steven Miles, a 17-year-old from Surrey, England, was sentenced to 25 years in prison for murdering his 17-year-old girlfriend, Elizabeth Thomas. According to reports, Miles was obsessed with the television show "Dexter" and the show's lead character inspired the boy to stab, dismember, wrap Thomas' body parts in cling wrap, then discard Thomas' body in garbage bags.

According to The Mirror, Miles dismembered Thomas using tools from his father's tree trimming business.

Miles' sister reportedly told the court that Miles said, "Ed made me do something bad." Miles had been previously diagnosed as being on the Autism Spectrum, but according to Miles' attorney, he was neither psychotic nor schizophrenic.

Judge Christopher Critchlow was quoted by The Inquisitr as saying, "This is a case of the utmost gravity, the horrific features of which are rarely heard in any court. Nothing this court can say or do, no sentence this court can impose can alleviate the pain suffered by Elizabeth Thomas' family for death in such a terrible manner. There must be a life sentence."

The Daily Mail reported that the judge was unable to impose an entire life sentence due to the age of the defendant. The judge did address Miles in court by saying, "'It's hard for this court to remain unemotional. Their lives have been changed forever; it's difficult to find the right words to describe the enormity of what you did to an innocent girl of 17-and-a-half. You decided at the age of 16 you had to kill somebody, you chose Elizabeth Thomas who tragically befriended you and who had stood up for you when people described you as different. It's chilling to read that you described her on occasion as your 'project.'"

Metro reported that Miles' parents sought help for their son in 2012 after he began self-mutilation and talking about the voice he called, "Ed."

Copycat, Murder, Dexter
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